Stories of Grain
10 november, 1 december en nog 2 dagen
Meer info
Stories of Grain is a performance in which the audience is invited to experience, through their five senses, a narrative about three types of grasses and their seeds.
Three types of grain are milled at Molen de Roos: wheat, rye, and spelt. These seeds, and the grasses that grow fr…
Stories of Grain is a performance in which the audience is invited to experience, through their five senses, a narrative about three types of grasses and their seeds.
Three types of grain are milled at Molen de Roos: wheat, rye, and spelt. These seeds, and the grasses that grow from them, have coevolved with us humans: for thousands of years, we have selected those that suited our tastes and needs best; we have introduced them to new territories; we have changed entire landscapes to create the best environments for them to thrive. In turn, they have fed and sustained us, they have allowed us to make hostile places into our homes, they have changed the way we live, how we gather and settle in communities. Our meals, our rituals, our wellbeing depends on them. Their expansion has meant ours, our conquests have become theirs. Their decline has meant the fall of some of the world’s greatest civilisations. They might be small and unapparent, but these grains have big stories to tell.
During this performance, you will be invited into Bij de Roos to explore the appearance, texture, smell, sound, and flavour of these three grains, and to witness their transformation from indigestible grass towards delicious and nutritious bread. Curated by the musical ensemble Celeritas, the performance includes an original food and music pairing, with music especially composed for the occasion by Eduardo Gaspar Polo Baader.
Zondag 10 november 2024
12.00 - 13.00 uur
14.00 - 15.00 uur -
Zondag 1 december 2024
12.00 - 13.00 uur
14.00 - 15.00 uur -
Zondag 15 december 2024
12.00 - 13.00 uur
14.00 - 15.00 uur -
Zondag 22 december 2024
12.00 - 13.00 uur
14.00 - 15.00 uur
- € 30,00
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