De Koornbeurs

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De Koornbeurs
Voldersgracht 1
2611 ET Delft
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Café, pop venue, disco, association, the Koornbeurs, is there for all young people from Delft and the surrounding area.

O.J.V. de Koornbeurs is an open youth association and currently has more than 235 members, more than half of whom are TU Delft-related. The rest of the membership consists of HBO students, graduates and other young people from Delft. The association was founded in 1912 and is located in the Koornbeurs National Monument on the Voldersgracht. The association is therefore named after this building.

Café, pop venue, disco, association, the Koornbeurs, is there for all young people from Delft and the surrounding area. No matter how you feel, where you come from or where you are going: everyone is welcome at this open youth association.