Exterminate the Brutus III: Conversations on the Colonial Past
t/m 2 december 2024
Meer info
We live in a changing society filled with increasing social unrest, conflict, and inequality. How did we get here? How has the past shaped our present, and can a deeper understanding of uncomfortable histories guide us towards a better future? Join us for the screenings of Exterminate All The Brutes, a powerful four-part documentary series by esteemed filmmaker Raoul Peck, which details European colonialism’s exploitative and genocidal characteristics across America, Africa and beyond. Peck’s work supports us in examining how history has been constructed and continues to inform our present world.
Part 3: Killing at a Distance or…How I Thoroughly Enjoyed the Outing Connecting the dots between European innovations in weaponry and an endless cycle of military operations throughout the centuries.
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